Vés al contingut


De Viccionari


  • Pronúncia: /wɪʃ/ àudio (RU) 
  • Etimologia: Del protogermànic *wunskijaną, del protoindoeuropeu *wenh («desitjar, estimar»).

wish ‎(plural whishes)

  1. desig, anhel
    My dearest wish is to see them happily married.
    El meu gran desig és veure'ls feliçment casats.





wish ‎(3a persona singular present wishes, gerundi wishing, passat i participi wished)

  1. voler, desitjar
    I'll come tomorrow, if you wish it.
    Vindré demà, si tu vols.
  2. esperar, refiar
    «This is as good an argument as an antiquary could wish for.» (John Arbuthnot, Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures, 1727)
    Aquest és un argument tan bo com el que caldria esperar d'un historiador.
  3. recomanar, encomanar
    «I was wished to your worship by a gentleman..» (Ben Jonson, The Alchemist, 1610)
    Un cavaller em va encomanar a la vostra cura.

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