A continuació es mostra la documentació transclosa de la subpàgina /ús. [salta a la caixa de codi]
Mòdul de suport de Mòdul:la-adj. Genera la taula de declinació.
local p = {}
local function convert(data)
local col = {}
local row = {}
local colors = {}
local marked = {}
local function add(i, j)
local entry = data[i][j]
local col = col[i][j]
local row = row[i][j]
local color = colors[i][j]
if col == 0 or row == 0 then
return ""
if col == 1 then
if row == 1 then
return '\n|style="color: inherit; background-color: #' .. color .. ';" | ' .. entry
return '\n|style="color: inherit; background-color: #' .. color .. ';" rowspan=' .. row .. ' | ' .. entry
if row == 1 then
return '\n|style="color: inherit; background-color: #' .. color .. ';" colspan=' .. col .. ' | ' .. entry
return '\n|style="color: inherit; background-color: #' .. color .. ';" colspan=' .. col .. ' rowspan=' .. row .. ' | ' .. entry
for i = 1, #data do
col[i] = {}
row[i] = {}
colors[i] = {}
marked[i] = {}
for j = 1, #data[i] do
col[i][j] = 1
row[i][j] = 1
colors[i][j] = "inherit"
marked[i][j] = false
--[[ De moment no fusionem files
--merge rows
for i = 1, #data do
for j = 1, #data[i] do
if row[i][j] ~= 0 then
for k = i + 1, #data do
if data[i][j] ~= data[k][j] or col[i][j] ~= col[k][j] then
row[i][j] = row[i][j] + 1
row[k][j] = 0
--merge columns
for i = 1, #data do
for j = 1, #data[i] do
if col[i][j] ~= 0 then
for k = j + 1, #data[i] do
if data[i][j] ~= data[i][k] then
col[i][j] = col[i][j] + 1
col[i][k] = 0
row[i][k] = 0
for i = 1 ,#data do
for j = 1, #data[i] do
data[i][j] = add(i,j)
data[i] = table.concat(data[i])
return data
local function make_table_mfn_pl(data)
local conv = {
conv = convert(conv)
local output = data.title
output = output .. '\n{| class="wikitable"'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" rowspan="2" | Cas'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Plural'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masc./Fem./Neutre'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Nominatiu'
output = output .. conv[1]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Vocatiu'
output = output .. conv[2]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Acusatiu'
output = output .. conv[3]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Genitiu'
output = output .. conv[4]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Datiu'
output = output .. conv[5]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Ablatiu'
output = output .. conv[6]
output = output .. '\n|}'
return output
local function make_table_mfn_sg(data)
local conv = {
conv = convert(conv)
local output = data.title
output = output .. '\n{| class="wikitable"'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" rowspan="2" | Cas'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Singular'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masc./Fem./Neutre'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Nominatiu'
output = output .. conv[1]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Vocatiu'
output = output .. conv[2]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Acusatiu'
output = output .. conv[3]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Genitiu'
output = output .. conv[4]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Datiu'
output = output .. conv[5]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Ablatiu'
output = output .. conv[6]
output = output .. '\n|}'
return output
local function make_table_mf_pl(data)
local conv = {
{data.forms.nom_p_m, data.forms.nom_p_n},
{data.forms.voc_p_m, data.forms.voc_p_n},
{data.forms.ac_p_m, data.forms.ac_p_n},
{data.forms.gen_p_m, data.forms.gen_p_n},
{data.forms.dat_p_m, data.forms.dat_p_n},
{data.forms.abl_p_m, data.forms.abl_p_n},
conv = convert(conv)
local output = data.title
output = output .. '\n{| class="wikitable"'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" rowspan="2" | Cas'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" colspan="2" | Plural'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masc./Fem.'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Neutre'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Nominatiu'
output = output .. conv[1]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Vocatiu'
output = output .. conv[2]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Acusatiu'
output = output .. conv[3]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Genitiu'
output = output .. conv[4]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Datiu'
output = output .. conv[5]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Ablatiu'
output = output .. conv[6]
output = output .. '\n|}'
return output
local function make_table_mf_sg(data)
local conv = {
{data.forms.nom_s_m, data.forms.nom_s_n},
{data.forms.voc_s_m, data.forms.voc_s_n},
{data.forms.ac_s_m, data.forms.ac_s_n},
{data.forms.gen_s_m, data.forms.gen_s_n},
{data.forms.dat_s_m, data.forms.dat_s_n},
{data.forms.abl_s_m, data.forms.abl_s_n},
conv = convert(conv)
local output = data.title
output = output .. '\n{| class="wikitable"'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" rowspan="2" | Cas'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" colspan="2" | Singular'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masc./Fem.'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Neutre'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Nominatiu'
output = output .. conv[1]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Vocatiu'
output = output .. conv[2]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Acusatiu'
output = output .. conv[3]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Genitiu'
output = output .. conv[4]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Datiu'
output = output .. conv[5]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Ablatiu'
output = output .. conv[6]
output = output .. '\n|}'
return output
local function make_table_pl(data)
local conv = {
{data.forms.nom_p_m, data.forms.nom_p_f, data.forms.nom_p_n},
{data.forms.voc_p_m, data.forms.voc_p_f, data.forms.voc_p_n},
{data.forms.ac_p_m, data.forms.ac_p_f, data.forms.ac_p_n},
{data.forms.gen_p_m, data.forms.gen_p_f, data.forms.gen_p_n},
{data.forms.dat_p_m, data.forms.dat_p_f, data.forms.dat_p_n},
{data.forms.abl_p_m, data.forms.abl_p_f, data.forms.abl_p_n},
conv = convert(conv)
local output = data.title
output = output .. '\n{| class="wikitable"'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" rowspan="2" | Cas'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" colspan="3" | Plural'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masculí'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Femení'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Neutre'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Nominatiu'
output = output .. conv[1]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Vocatiu'
output = output .. conv[2]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Acusatiu'
output = output .. conv[3]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Genitiu'
output = output .. conv[4]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Datiu'
output = output .. conv[5]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Ablatiu'
output = output .. conv[6]
output = output .. '\n|}'
return output
local function make_table_sg(data)
local conv = {
{data.forms.nom_s_m, data.forms.nom_s_f, data.forms.nom_s_n},
{data.forms.voc_s_m, data.forms.voc_s_f, data.forms.voc_s_n},
{data.forms.ac_s_m, data.forms.ac_s_f, data.forms.ac_s_n},
{data.forms.gen_s_m, data.forms.gen_s_f, data.forms.gen_s_n},
{data.forms.dat_s_m, data.forms.dat_s_f, data.forms.dat_s_n},
{data.forms.abl_s_m, data.forms.abl_s_f, data.forms.abl_s_n},
conv = convert(conv)
local output = data.title
output = output .. '\n{| class="wikitable"'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" rowspan="2" | Cas'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" colspan="3" | Singular'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masculí'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Femení'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Neutre'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Nominatiu'
output = output .. conv[1]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Vocatiu'
output = output .. conv[2]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Acusatiu'
output = output .. conv[3]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Genitiu'
output = output .. conv[4]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Datiu'
output = output .. conv[5]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Ablatiu'
output = output .. conv[6]
output = output .. '\n|}'
return output
local function make_table_mfn(data)
local conv = {
conv = convert(conv)
local output = data.title
output = output .. '\n{| class="wikitable"'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" rowspan="2" | Cas'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Singular'
output = output .. '\n|rowspan="2"|'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Plural'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masc./Fem./Neutre'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masc./Fem./Neutre'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Nominatiu'
output = output .. conv[1]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|rowspan="6"|'
output = output .. '\n|rowspan="5"|'
output = output .. conv[8]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Vocatiu'
output = output .. conv[2]
output = output .. conv[9]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Acusatiu'
output = output .. conv[3]
output = output .. conv[10]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Genitiu'
output = output .. conv[4]
output = output .. conv[11]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Datiu'
output = output .. conv[5]
output = output .. conv[12]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Ablatiu'
output = output .. conv[6]
output = output .. conv[13]
output = output .. '\n|}'
return output
local function make_table_mf(data)
local conv = {
{data.forms.nom_s_m, data.forms.nom_s_n},
{data.forms.voc_s_m, data.forms.voc_s_n},
{data.forms.ac_s_m, data.forms.ac_s_n},
{data.forms.gen_s_m, data.forms.gen_s_n},
{data.forms.dat_s_m, data.forms.dat_s_n},
{data.forms.abl_s_m, data.forms.abl_s_n},
{data.forms.nom_p_m, data.forms.nom_p_n},
{data.forms.voc_p_m, data.forms.voc_p_n},
{data.forms.ac_p_m, data.forms.ac_p_n},
{data.forms.gen_p_m, data.forms.gen_p_n},
{data.forms.dat_p_m, data.forms.dat_p_n},
{data.forms.abl_p_m, data.forms.abl_p_n},
conv = convert(conv)
local output = data.title
output = output .. '\n{| class="wikitable"'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" rowspan="2" | Cas'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" colspan="2" | Singular'
output = output .. '\n|rowspan="2"|'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" colspan="2" | Plural'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masc./Fem.'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Neutre'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masc./Fem.'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Neutre'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Nominatiu'
output = output .. conv[1]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|rowspan="6"|'
output = output .. '\n|rowspan="5"|'
output = output .. conv[8]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Vocatiu'
output = output .. conv[2]
output = output .. conv[9]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Acusatiu'
output = output .. conv[3]
output = output .. conv[10]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Genitiu'
output = output .. conv[4]
output = output .. conv[11]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Datiu'
output = output .. conv[5]
output = output .. conv[12]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Ablatiu'
output = output .. conv[6]
output = output .. conv[13]
output = output .. '\n|}'
return output
function p.make_table(data)
data.style_label = "font-style: italic; font-weight: normal;"
local output
if not data.forms.nom_s_n and not data.forms.nom_p_n then
if data.num == "p" then
output = make_table_mfn_pl(data)
elseif data.num == "s" then
output = make_table_mfn_sg(data)
output = make_table_mfn(data)
elseif not data.forms.nom_s_f and not data.forms.nom_p_f then
if data.num == "p" then
output = make_table_mf_pl(data)
elseif data.num == "s" then
output = make_table_mf_sg(data)
output = make_table_mf(data)
if data.num == "p" then
output = make_table_pl(data)
elseif data.num == "s" then
output = make_table_sg(data)
if output then
if data.footnote and data.footnote ~= "" then
output = output .. '\n' .. data.footnote
return output
local conv = {
{data.forms.nom_s_m, data.forms.nom_s_f, data.forms.nom_s_n},
{data.forms.voc_s_m, data.forms.voc_s_f, data.forms.voc_s_n},
{data.forms.ac_s_m, data.forms.ac_s_f, data.forms.ac_s_n},
{data.forms.gen_s_m, data.forms.gen_s_f, data.forms.gen_s_n},
{data.forms.dat_s_m, data.forms.dat_s_f, data.forms.dat_s_n},
{data.forms.abl_s_m, data.forms.abl_s_f, data.forms.abl_s_n},
{"----", "----", "----"},
{data.forms.nom_p_m, data.forms.nom_p_f, data.forms.nom_p_n},
{data.forms.voc_p_m, data.forms.voc_p_f, data.forms.voc_p_n},
{data.forms.ac_p_m, data.forms.ac_p_f, data.forms.ac_p_n},
{data.forms.gen_p_m, data.forms.gen_p_f, data.forms.gen_p_n},
{data.forms.dat_p_m, data.forms.dat_p_f, data.forms.dat_p_n},
{data.forms.abl_p_m, data.forms.abl_p_f, data.forms.abl_p_n},
conv = convert(conv)
local output = data.title
output = output .. '\n{| class="wikitable"'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" rowspan="2" | Cas'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" colspan="3" | Singular'
output = output .. '\n|rowspan="2"|'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" colspan="3" | Plural'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masculí'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Femení'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Neutre'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Masculí'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Femení'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Neutre'
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Nominatiu'
output = output .. conv[1]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|rowspan="6"|'
output = output .. '\n|rowspan="5"|'
output = output .. conv[8]
if data.voc then
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Vocatiu'
output = output .. conv[2]
output = output .. conv[9]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Acusatiu'
output = output .. conv[3]
output = output .. conv[10]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Genitiu'
output = output .. conv[4]
output = output .. conv[11]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Datiu'
output = output .. conv[5]
output = output .. conv[12]
output = output .. '\n|-'
output = output .. '\n! style="' .. data.style_label .. '" | Ablatiu'
output = output .. conv[6]
output = output .. conv[13]
output = output .. '\n|}'
if data.footnote and data.footnote ~= "" then
output = output .. '\n' .. data.footnote
return output
return p