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  • ansiós According to reports in this week's newspaper, not all same-sex couples are eager to get married. Joanna is an intelligent child and very eager to learn...
    475 octets (48 paraules) - 18:07, 23 feb 2018
  • consonància amb allò que determina les circumstàncies. Traduccions Anglès: according to (en) Castellà: según (es) Francès: selon (fr) Gallec: segundo (gl) Italià:...
    1 Ko (115 paraules) - 14:45, 5 des 2023
  • segle XVI. campus ‎(plural campuses) campus «According to police, a dispute started on campus but moved to a nearby park, where the stabbing occurred.»...
    2 Ko (190 paraules) - 19:52, 8 gen 2024
  • healthy brain development in young children, according to a study of intelligence and sleeping habits. Going to bed at a different time each night affected...
    6 Ko (669 paraules) - 11:54, 10 maig 2023