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De Viccionari
Informació de la plantilla [mostra] [modifica]

Plantilla a usar en entrades de caràcters kanji per a mostrar les lectures i afegir les categories per lectura. Va sota l’encapçalament de secció === Kanji ===, després de la plantilla {{ja-kanji}}:


La lectura on s’escriu en hiragana, com les corresponents entrades en hiragana.

Per exemple, en l’entrada :

|nanori=そ, や, かや, しげ

El contingut d’aquesta plantilla està generat pel Mòdul:ja-kanji-lectura.



The module accepts readings that are formatted in the following manner:

  • Items are delimited by commas (,).
  • < (arrow) indicates evolution from older forms (i.e. historical kana orthography). For example, こう<くわう. It is possible to add an additional form that is even older: evolved as きょう<きやう<くゐやう.
    • It is perfectly fine for the historical kana orthography to be identical to the modern kana orthography. For example, ふく<ふく.
  • - (hyphen) separates furigana (振り仮名 ‎(ふりがな)) from okurigana (送り仮名 ‎(おくりがな)). A trailing - indicates there are no okurigana:
    • ひかり- ‎(ひかり)
    • ひか-る光る ‎(ひかる)
  • Readings are automatically highlighted and labeled if they appear in the jōyō kanji list. The data for this functionality is hosted at Module:ja/data/jouyou-yomi.


  • on=
    The character’s Sino-Japanese reading(s).
    • goon=
      呉%音 ‎(ご%おん, «accent wu») – reading(s) from the pronunciation during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.
    • kanon=
      漢%音 ‎(かん%おん, «accent han») – reading(s) from the pronunciation during the Tang Dynasty.
    • toon=
      唐%音 ‎(とう%おん, «accent tang») – reading(s) from the pronunciations during and after the Song Dynasty.
    • soon=
      宋%音 ‎(そう%おん, «accent song») - readings(s) from later on, sometimes conflated with tōon to form 唐宋音 ‎(tōsō-on).
    • kanyoon=
      慣%用%音 ‎(かん%よう%おん, «accent usual») – unofficial on readings that have become accepted into the language.
  • kun=
    ‎(くん) – the character’s Japanese or native reading(s).
    • nanori=
      名%乗り ‎(な%のり) – kun readings used for names of people or places.



The category structure can be seen at en:User:Erutuon/kanji readings.