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  • Pronúncia: /jaːt̪ən̪aː/

यातना ‎(yātanāf.

  1. Torment, patiment.[1]


  • Pronúncia: /jaːt̪ən̪aː/

यातना ‎(yātanāf.

  1. Torment, tortura, dolor, patiment, els torments de l'infern del déu hindú Yama.[2]

Vegeu també

  1. VAZE, Shridhar Ganesh The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-English., Poona: Arya-Bhushan Press, 1911. p. 469.
  2. PLATTS, John T. A dictionary of Urdu, classical Hindi, and English, London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1884. p. 1247.